
25 Things.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click post.)

**I already did this in my Facebook Notes.. so there is no need tagging anyone here. :)

25 Random Things About Moi:

1. I really really want to be a Medical Doctor and up to now I'm still not sure if I'm going to pursue it.

2. After MD, I also want an MBA degree. It's another dream eh.

3. I've spent my whole student life cramming. It's a miracle that some things got stuck in my brain. Believe me, I haven't finished one damn chapter of any book that I've read when I was preparing for my Board Exams. It's ironic that I want to study a lot of things.

4. I've discovered that lots and lots and lots of emotional stress make a good weight loss tool. LOL.

5. I learned the lesson about faithfulness and cheating early enough to leave me traumatized for life. So do forgive me if I don't have the sympathy for cheaters.

6. I'm a good friend... You can depend that I'll be with you through hell or high water.

7. I should learn to stop putting my nose in somebody else's business. Believe me, I've been burned so many times.

8. I'm a chismosa. I just love gossip. It's a guilty pleasure. But not the barrio type that I tell every person that I meet. Close friends lang and then yun na.

9. It may not show at times, but I love and I'm proud of my Kapampangan Roots.

10. I want to learn how to cook. The Kapampangan way.

11. I really really hate confrontations. I avoid them as much as possible.

12. When I'm drunk I throw up and then I pass out. One shot of something and one bottle of something will do the trick, I think. Gosh! I'm such a weakling when it comes to alcohol!! That's why I avoid drinking as much as possible.

13. I love babies!!! and I think they love me back. =)

14. Clubbing is really not my thing. Coffee and gossip with close friends is. :)

15. I'm still battling with my weight issues. I'm trying my best to exercise and to shed those pounds.

16. Oh!! I have a talent.. and my RLE will attest to it. I can sleep whenever or wherever. Whether it's sitting during lecture time or lull times during practice. I love sleep..

17. I have an instinct for sale items. I usually can find that one item that is perfect for me and for my budget.

18. I really should learn how to save money.

19. I still get a thrill when I manage to capture really good pictures.

20. I'd rather buy books than to shop for clothes and shoes.

21. As of now, I'm still not ready to have a relationship with any guy.

22. I find it hard to open up my deepest feelings and thoughts.. even to close friends.

23. It may not show, but I too have my insecurities. Actually, I have lots.

24. When I'm angry, I'm uncharacteristically silent. When I'm angry or super irritated with a person, I don't talk nor pay attention to that person.. it's like that person don't exist.

25. If I learned that a person is irritated with me, I take great pleasure in rubbing myself in their faces so they'll get more irritated. *evil laugh*

oh and let me add this: I always have a plan. Whenever things go wrong, I make a back up plan ASAP. I don't panic, I don't dwell on what was.. I just make do of what is the situation and I plan accordingly. :)

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