Soo tired.
I'm in limbo right now. Stuck between two paths that I want to take, but life dictates me to just choose one path. I'm still uncertain because things are so beyond my control that it hinders me from making a decision! It gets to be so frustrating! And I have no choice, but to pray, to hope, to be positive, and at the same time, making sure that my feet are planted on the ground and my head not get lost in the clouds.
Reality sucks. It's a fact of life. But we don't have any choice but to live it and to struggle through it. And it really gets to be soo tiring sometimes.
The most touching ad I've ever seen.
It's a Coca Cola Ad in Spain. I can't say anything more. The video speaks for itself. Watch and see what I mean.
Diba? :)
To a very dear friend. :)
Pie, ala mu. I just wanted to make you a special greeting. You know, with me so far away and all that. I could make you a madramang text message.. then I figured.. why not a madramang blog instead?

Thank you, my dear, for everything.. for the gift of friendship.. for always being there for me... for letting me disturb you in the middle of your studying just because I wanted to tell you what's happening in my life.. bastat.. for everything, I give to you my heartfelt gratitude (yuck, parang speech lang! hahaha).
I couldn't ask for a better barkada. I couldn't ask for a better set of bestfriends than you, Vyel, and Roan.
I'm happy that with everything that's have happened with our respective lives, the bond is still there. And I wish (no! I know!) that it will still be there no matter what path we choose to take.
You're graduating na. I'm sure with full honors. Congratulations and I'm so proud of you. You'll be working soon enough.. so enjoy the summer first ah? Go to as many beaches as you can! Hahaha.
Oh and yes, Thank you din for going all the way to Trinoma just to see me before I go.
Always remember, I'm ALWAYS going to be here for you.. even if I'm thousand miles away.
I love you and I miss you.
So, I did the Colorgenics thing AGAIN.
Name: Gelay
Date: 3/25/2009
Colorgenics Number: 46253107
It would appear that at this particular time of your life you are going through a tough time. You are feeling (or have recently felt) miserable and depressed and perhaps you are still feeling that way. Maybe all the trials and tribulations just aren't worth it. Your present anxieties could have been associated with either your 'private' or 'business' life - whatever ... what you really need at this time is to get away from it all, maybe a vacation - alone, or better still, perhaps with someone that you know really cares for you, someone who appreciates you - not for what you have but for who you are. A short vacation may be all you need to afford you the time to recover and to get back to your normal vital self.
You are working extremely hard trying to improve your image. You need for those people in positions that matter to recognise your potential and to acknowledge you.
Everyone, sooner or later gets that feeling that one has been cut off from reality, cut off from everything that's going on around them. It usually happens when there is a complete lack of understanding and co-operation - be it from friends, family or loved ones. So what can one do about it? Instead of pondering as to what the future may hold, do something different. Make a cup of coffee. Have a shower. Read a book. Watch your favourite soap opera. Because as soon as you become involved in something different, the original disassociated feelings will dissipate.
You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.
You are anxious about all the limitations to which you are subjected to at this time. You feel that you are not valued for what or who you are. You need OUT. So why procrastinate any longer - MOVE!

Bull's eye! Go here if you want yours as well.
Has it really been a year already?
I still don't know. Oh God Help Me.
Tight fit.
I have to be more determined than ever. I can't just rely on stock knowledge when I had almost a full year of letting my Nursing Knowledge get staled in my grey matter.
I've got the calendar set. Minimum of 3 chapters and a maximum of 5 chapters in a day. For someone who has nothing to do. I can do this!! :)
I'll just have to psych myself into this. Push myself into this.
I'll pass my exams on the 27th.. and your prayers won't hurt either. =)
*thinking positive.. and applying the secret from this time on..*
Project 100: End

At my Multiply blog, I posted 3 pictures in this title. Most people liked this one, so this is the picture that I'm going to post in here. :)
Vent it out.
Ok. I THINK. Someone's annoyed with me. I don't know what I did. But I think this someone is annoyed with me. Oh well. What do I do? Keep on doing the things that makes them annoyed. Hahaha.
That's it for now. :)