To a very special friend. To one of my true friends. (yikes! ang drama naman nito! lol)
I can't believe you're 22 na! We're so old na noh? hahaha. It's like yesterday lang when we were still in our highschool uniforms going home late because we had a good time in Mcdo.. or just before we started College when you were urging me to go to UST instead.. or the many times you're telling the truth in my face.. or the countless times you're laughing at me because I'm slow or I don't know the reason why I'm laughing.. or remember that fateful night in Pier One? HAHAHAHA. (Thank you pala for going to the bathroom with me then! LOL)
Pie, ala mu. I just wanted to make you a special greeting. You know, with me so far away and all that. I could make you a madramang text message.. then I figured.. why not a madramang blog instead?

Thank you, my dear, for everything.. for the gift of friendship.. for always being there for me... for letting me disturb you in the middle of your studying just because I wanted to tell you what's happening in my life.. bastat.. for everything, I give to you my heartfelt gratitude (yuck, parang speech lang! hahaha).
I couldn't ask for a better barkada. I couldn't ask for a better set of bestfriends than you, Vyel, and Roan.
I'm happy that with everything that's have happened with our respective lives, the bond is still there. And I wish (no! I know!) that it will still be there no matter what path we choose to take.
You're graduating na. I'm sure with full honors. Congratulations and I'm so proud of you. You'll be working soon enough.. so enjoy the summer first ah? Go to as many beaches as you can! Hahaha.
Oh and yes, Thank you din for going all the way to Trinoma just to see me before I go.
Always remember, I'm ALWAYS going to be here for you.. even if I'm thousand miles away.
I love you and I miss you.
P.S. Nokarin ne ing creative pic mu? I still haven't seen it yet!
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